Madison Jackson started as an intern at The Boston Lede, fetching coffee and grabbing quotes for senior writers. But she finds herself thrust into the spotlight when Dahlia Kennedy, a prominent socialite charged with a gruesome murder, latches onto her. Madison must decide how far she's willing to go and how much to trust Dahlia to get her shot at becoming an ace reporter.
The story starts strong, pulling the reader in with the mystery. A constant back and forth of whether or not Dahlia actually committed the murder creates a palpable tension that moves the mystery forward. But about halfway through, the push and pull without any clear evolution in sight for the characters becomes tedious. After so much buildup on the mystery, when the truth comes to light, it's more a relief than satisfying.
While the overall plot falls flat, Dunn does capture the newsroom politics well. It's the nature of these dynamics that define Madison's character development throughout the story. She starts as a typical, shy intern and it seems like she's going to make a name for herself. But the path she takes to do that leads to selfish decisions that hurt others, making her a rather unlikeable character.
Unlikeability in a character isn't necessarily a bad thing, but between her devolving character arc and the tiresome plot, it doesn't leave much for the reader to root for. Especially because most of the characters are unlikeable. The diversity of supporting characters made the story feel real, but there was very little to like about most of them.
The artwork helps keep the story moving even after the pacing starts to fall short. Vibrant colors make every panel pop on its own. And yet it has a style that still feels very noir, keeping in line with the mystery genre.
Bury the Lede is a solid 3 stars because it did keep me entertained for the most part.