This summer Maxwell was challenged to build his dream home out of Lego in exchange for a box of Lego. As soon as Maxwell received his box of Lego he set about trying to create his dream home. I knew Maxwell's dream home would be different and it would be unique, however I was not ready for the fun ideas Maxwell included in his dream home.
Over the last few weeks Maxwell has been telling me what he would like to include in his Lego dream house and has also built some random and wacky things. Although Maxwell has speech delay it has been easy to understand what Maxwell really wanted from his dream house thank's to pictures and books. After several weeks, Maxwell has created something which he can be proud of. The house is packed with some fun features which everyone needs in there own home.
Here is Maxwell's dream home:

Maxwell's dream home is like a regular home however it has a large dog flap. This is for his Lego dog which he has named "Purple". Purple has a small dog house outside Maxwell's dream home and has a yellow bed inside Maxwell's home to sleep. Maxwell placed the dog bed near the window so Purple was able to get in and out with ease.
Maxwell has a bed in his home as well as a seating area for his visitors to sit on. Maxwell's lego bed matches purples bed! The table includes simple things such as a cup and has 3 seating places around it. The door is see through which means Maxwell can gaze out the window when he is in bed and look at the stars.

Maxwell has added a few fun features to his dream home. He has included a plane runway so his plane can fly off into the air at any given time. He has included lights on his runway so at night you can see his runway. Maxwell has also included a caravan outside his dream home incase he has any visitors to stay. He hopes that his family can stay often.
Maxwell has also added a park in the garden which includes a roundabout and some monster rides which run after him which make him giggle and squeal. He also included a little forest as he lives in the New Forest and goes on lots of walk's. He thought it would be a great idea to take purple for a walk there.

I adore Maxwell's dream home and it is fantastic to see how hard he has worked on his project. My favorite feature from Maxwell's dream home is the dog house. I think Maxwell should win as he has put a lot of thought into his project. He has included his favorite things into the design such as planes, the forest and caravan holidays. He has also included a park.
Have you enjoyed viewing Maxwell's dream home? What is your favorite feature from it?