Silentnight MattressSoon we will be looking to transform Maxwell's toddler bed into a single bed, although finding a single bed frame is often easy, I do try and take extra care when it comes to buying a mattress. I often go for well known brands that I know have a good reputation. I would love to buy Max a Silentnight mattress as I believe Silentnight as a brand are a very reputable company. We currently have a Silentnight mattress and it allows us to have a fantastic night's sleep, I would hope that by buying Maxwell a Silentnight mattress, he would also be able to have a fantastic night's sleep.
Toy Box Seat CushionFor a while, I have been after a toy box seat cushion for Maxwell's room. At the present moment Maxwell's toy box houses all his fancy dress costumes however it would be a nice touch if he was able to sit on his toy box and read books or play with toys. Toy box seat cushions can be very expensive however I have managed to find this bright, colourful, star pattern cushion for just £25 over at GLTC which is a bargain. This is something which I would love to be able to add to Maxwell's room over the next few weeks.
Sling BookcaseAs a parent, I am aware of the dangers which can happen in the household. Since Maxwell was small I have been extra careful when it comes to buying furniture. I hate filling his room with furniture that is tall or with furniture that can be a potential falling hazard. Due to this, instead of getting Maxwell a tall bookcase to house his books I have been looking at small sling bookcases. Sling bookcases are the perfect storage systems for young children. Most are bright and attractive and most sit and stand nicely on the floor. Although Maxwell will grow out of this item in a few years, I think it is the perfect storage item to have in Maxwell's room for the time being.
Wall ArtRecently I have been wanting to brighten Maxwell's bedroom walls up however I have not had the time, patience or money to decorate Maxwell's room. Recently I have been wanting to add wall art to Maxwell's bedroom. I have recently come across these bright, bold wall art canvases, which are perfect to add to Maxwell's bedroom.
Bright CushionsI have been looking out for a nice bright cushion since I decided to finish off Maxwell's bedroom. I wanted the cushion to stand out from the crowd, match the theme I set for Maxwell's room, be toddler friendly and having a meaning. Recently I manged to find a cushion at Tesco which fits all these want's. It was priced well and I am hoping it would be something that makes Maxwell's room unique.