Fashion Magazine

Maternity Style: All the Pretty Little Horses

By Kristina Suko @eccentricowl

Maternity Style: All the Pretty Little Horses |

There are some items of clothing in my wardrobe that seem to magically work no matter what stage my body is going through. When I’m not pregnant, when I am just a few weeks in, or when I’m only 17 days away from my due date… it doesn’t matter. This dress always does right by me and I’m not surprised that it’s being snapped up by my fellow Shaped By Style blogging gals! Emily styled it with lots of other colors which I LOVED, and now it’s on its way to Hannah and I cannot wait to see how she pulls it off!

Maternity Style: All the Pretty Little Horses |
Maternity Style: All the Pretty Little Horses |

I have spent half the day trying to finish up this blog post, because it has been one of those days. Right as I decided to rearrange our living room, which is still missing key pieces of furniture — namely, bookcases — my mother-in-law showed up and helped me re-situate the furniture and get all of the book boxes (there’s twelve) moved to a less obvious spot. Which was fantastic, but then meant that the rest of the house needed to be cleaned too, now that the living room is orderly! And then shortly after Asa went down for his nap, my own mom showed up to visit, and then Asa woke up right as she was leaving.

It should be a day that feels good to me, because I’ve gotten lots of organizing and cleaning done and I love seeing my mother-in-law and my mom, but I think I’m at the point of pregnancy where I’m just done. Done with summer, done with being pregnant, done with not being able to eat certain foods because of heartburn (onions, I miss you)… so everything is bothering me. I need to make bread because yesterday’s loaf was a failure (I’m usually good with bread, but uh… not the recipe I tried yesterday), and Asa is in a mood where he wants to play WITH me instead of playing by himself like usual, and I’ve got to think about starting dinner, and… well, y’know. Life happens.

Maternity Style: All the Pretty Little Horses |
Maternity Style: All the Pretty Little Horses |

Usually I love it when Asa wants to play with me, and I love baking, and even cooking dinner is nice, but I just feel too pregnant to deal.

But, soon I’ll be holding a little baby in my arms (and doing my best to cope with a toddler and a baby, that’s a new world entirely!) and it’ll be a little bit easier to do things myself. Well, physically. I don’t know about the fact that I’ll have TWO babies to take care of, if Asa still counts as a baby. We’ll manage, somehow.

Maternity Style: All the Pretty Little Horses |

Dress (vintage), brooch (vintage), and scarf, thrifted | belt, came on a skirt | shoes, Modcloth | glasses c/o Firmoo

I didn’t mean to end this post on such a negative note, but hey… we all need to let out those feelings sometimes, right? I think I just need a nap. And also food that I didn’t have to cook. Every mom’s wish. Haha!

I hope you are all having a wonderful Tuesday! If you haven’t already, today is your last day to enter that bohemian dress giveaway, and I’ll try to announce the winner by Friday.


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