Food & Drink Magazine

Matcha Madeleines

By Cathysjoy
Matcha Madeleines  Matcha Madeleines
(recipe adapted & modify slightly from Joyofbaking )
110g unsalted butter, melted
120g Blue Jacket Cake Flour10g matcha powder1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
3 eggs
100g fine sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Method:1. In a mixing bowl, beat eggs & sugar at high speed until the mixture is thick & pale in color.2. Beat in vanilla extract. Sift in flour mixture & gently fold in with a rubber spatula.3. Then some of the batter & fold it into the warm melted butter. Then, with a spatula, gently fold the butter mixture completely into the egg batter. Cover & refrigerate the batter overnight.4. Using a small ice cream scoop, drop batter into center of each prepared mold. Baked in a preheated oven @ 180C for 13mins.
Matcha MadeleinesMatcha Madeleines 白兔也来凑热闹啦 *^_^*

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