
Massive Tonga Volcanic Eruption Caused “Significant Damage”

Posted on the 17 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

Wellington, New Zealand: The eruption of a large volcano in Tonga who triggered a tsunami wave around the Pacific caused “significant damage” to the capital of the island country and put it in dust, but was completely unclear with communication still hampered Monday.

The eruption on Saturday was very strong so it was recorded throughout the world and heard as far as Alaska, triggering a tsunami which flooded the Pacific coastline from Japan to the United States.

The capital of Nuku’alofa suffered “significant” damage, said New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said, adding no reports of injury or death but the full assessment was not yet possible with the communication path down.

“The tsunami has a significant impact on foreshore on the north side of nuku’alofa with a large boat and stone washed the land,” Ardern said after contact with the New Zealand embassy in Tonga.

“Nuku’alofa is covered in a thick volcanic dust film but the condition is calm and stable.”

Tonga requires a water supply, he said, as “Ash Awan has caused contamination.”

There was no word on damage on the outermost islands but New Zealand sent airplane airplane reconnaissance on Monday morning “to assist in the initial impact assessment of the area and low islands,” said the country’s force defense.

Tonga also accepted Canberra’s offer to send supervision flights, the Australian foreign office said, adding it was also immediately ready to supply “critical humanitarian equipment”.

The United States and the World Health Organization have promised support, while the UN children’s body said he was preparing for emergency supplies to fly.

1.2 meters wave (four feet) struck ashore in the capital of Tonga with occupants reported that they had fled to a higher ground, leaving flood houses, some with structural damage, because small stones fell from the sky.

“It was big, the ground trembled, our house trembled. It comes in the waves. My younger brother thought the bomb exploded nearby,” said Resident just taufa to the news site on Saturday.

He said the water filled their minutes a few minutes later and he watched the wall of the neighboring house collapsed.

“We immediately knew it was a tsunami. Only water flows into our house,” Taofa said.

“You can hear shouts everywhere, people shout for salvation, for everyone to get to a higher ground.”

Sink in Peru.

King Tonga Tupou VI was reported to have been evacuated from the royal palace in Nuku’alofa and taken by a police convoy to a villa far from the coastline.

Dramatic satellite images showed a long eruption and rumbling from Mount Husa Tonga-Husa Ha’arapai spewing smoke and ash in the air, with a roar of the roar to hear 10,000 kilometers (6,000 miles) in Alaska.

The eruption triggered the tsunami across the Pacific with a 1.74 meter waves measured in Chanaral, Chile, more than 10,000 kilometers away, and smaller waves were seen along the Pacific coast from Alaska to Mexico.

Two women sank on the beach in North Peru because of the “anomaly wave” caused by the eruption, the authorities said Sunday, and dozens of people needed salvation from flooding in the southern state.

In California, the city of Santa Cruz was beaten by floods due to a tapeline surge produced by the tsunami, while the waves of about 1.2 meters hit along the Pacific coast of Japan.

– ‘Just extraordinary’ –

The US geological survey recorded Saturday eruption equivalent to 5.8 earthquakes measuring zero depth.

The volcano eruption lasted at least eight minutes and sent a gas plate, ash and smoked a few kilometers to the air.

Marco Brenna’s New Zealand scientist described its impact as “relatively light” but said another eruption with a much larger impact could not be ruled out.

The eruption was very strong even heard in Alaska, the UAF Geophysics Institute Tweeted, said that the fact was heard was “quite unique.”

He quoted Alaska Volcano Observatory Scientists cost David as remember “only a few other volcanic eruptions that do something like this” – that is, the 19th century eruption of Krakatau Indonesia, and Alaska Novarupta, the strongest volcanic eruption of the 20th century.

The Fife weather station in Scotland Tweeted “is just extraordinary to think about the power that can send shock waves throughout the world” after the eruption produces a leap in the air pressure chart.

Hunga-Tonga-Husa-Ha’apai, which is located about 65 kilometers north of Nuku’alofa, has a history of volatility.

In the past few years it broke the sea level during the 2009 eruption, while in 2015 it spewed so many rocks and large ashes into the air so that when they settled, a new island had formed two kilometers long a kilometer wide and high.

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