
Massive Geomagnetic Solar Storm Likely to Hit Earth Today, May Cause Global Blackout, Should You Stay at Home?

Posted on the 14 April 2022 by Geetikamalik

New York: The US Space Agency of the National Flight and Space Agency (NASA) and the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said that the large geomagnetic solar storm would be about the earth on Thursday (1422222), which could also cause global blackouts.Both NASA and NOAA were confirmed on Tuesday that the coronal mass ejection of Halo (CME) was seen racing towards the earth. Both institutions said that the geomagnetic storm produced would hit the earth on Thursday (April 14).

Also, take it to Twitter, a center of excellence in Indian space science (Cessi) sharing detail from this coming storm. “CME Hello is detected by Soho Lasco on April 11. Our Fit Model shows the probability of a very high Earth impact on April 14 2022 with speeds ranging from 429-575 km / s +,” CessSi Tweet said.This is a G2 class geomagnetic storm. In general, geomagnetic storms are classified below 5 labels starting from G1 to G5, where G1 is a low-level storm with a minimal impact and G5 is a very strong solar storm with severe potential damage.

Should you stay at home?

Fortunately, the geomagnetic storm that is estimated to earth today is not too strong but will definitely have some consequences. Theoretically, class G5 geomagnetic storms can cause damage to satellites, disrupt GPS, mobile networks, internet connectivity and power tissue failure. Voltage fluctuations can also occur, resulting in destructive electrical appliance.

Furthermore, GPS users can also face interference, according to Space Weather Phyicist Tamitha Skov. According to scientists, ultraviolet is dangerous, infrared radiation and gamma are all absorbed by the atmosphere and humans do not have a direct threat.

The post Massive geomagnetic solar storm likely to hit Earth today, may cause global blackout, should you stay at home? first appeared on NewsBamboo.

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