Marriott Hotels
The Marriott Hotels’ loyalty program, the Marriott Rewards or MR Points, is bringing in a change that could affect many members. Under the new rule, a member who has not been active for a period of 24 months is set to lose his or her MR Points..
The new rule is set to come into force on Feb. 1, 2016. Accordingly, anyone who has not had any ‘eligible’ activity to his or her MR account between Feb 1, 2014 and Jan. 31, 2016, stands to lose all the points.
Qualifying activities to retain MR Points include:
- Purchases using Marriott credit cards
- Purchasing MR Points
- Converting other, qualifying miles or points into MR Points
But not all activity is equal and, therefore, some activities are not counted as eligible activities.
Ineligible activities to retain MR Points include:
- MR Points gained through social media programs
- MR Points received through transfer or gifts
- MR Points transferred or gifted
However, nothing changes for Lifetime Status members.
For more information on the changes, visit the Marriott Points Changes.