You can improve your fund raising marketing efforts by using QR codes.
Marketing is made easier because QR Codes can take a paper link and take the user to a specific page on the internet. They can register for an event, download your branded white paper or sign up for your marketing newsletter to stay informed.
Using a QR code, (the UPC like image that uses a smartphone with an app to take a photo that brings them to a website page), is a smart way to engage potential donors for marketing your fund-raising efforts.
Step by step how to use a QR Code:
1) find the website page you want potential donors to go to. It could be a convincing video, an event sign up page or even a donate now web page.
2) use a QR code generator to make your code. I used this QR Code generator to change the color, since my link is to a video about a new vaccine being developed for breast cancer by the Cleveland Clinic. Pink seemed like the right color.
3) Download the code as a PNG file. That’s the web standard now.
4) Print the QR code on mugs, t-shirts, flyers, posters, lawnsigns, whereever your target audience is. (QR Codes with SmartPhones and driving don’t mix!)
5) Forward the code to your supporters and challenge them to come up with creative distribution methods!
Voila. Easy to implement. Let me know how you used QR Codes for marketing your fund-raising event or project! Leave the info in the comments below.