
Marian Robinson, Mother of Michelle Obama, Passes Away at 86

Posted on the 19 June 2024 by Sandeep Malik

Marian Robinson, the mother of former US First Lady Michelle Obama, has passed away. Robinson, who relocated to the White House following her son-in-law Barack Obama’s presidential victory, was a pillar of support for the family. Affectionately known as the “first grandma,” she played a pivotal role in caring for the Obama family, especially her granddaughters, Malia and Sasha. Initially hesitant to move to Washington, she was eventually persuaded by Michelle Obama’s brother, Craig Robinson.

In a statement released by the family:

“With a gentle push, she agreed to join Michelle and Barack at the White House. We needed her. The girls needed her. And she became our anchor through it all.”

Michelle Obama echoed these sentiments in a tweet, sharing the family’s statement. She added:

“The statement from the Obama and Robinson families celebrates Marian Robinson’s belief in the potential of every child, often saying that there are countless Michelle and Craigs in this world, but recognizing that she was one of a kind.”

Barack Obama also commemorated his beloved mother-in-law in a separate tweet, noting:

“The families also reflect on how she supported me the night before the historic presidential election results were announced. Sitting beside me, holding my hand, she witnessed history as I became the first African-American President of the United States.”

Marian Robinson’s legacy lives on in the memories of those she touched and the values she instilled in her family.

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