Fashion Magazine

Marching Forward…

By Wardrobeoxygen

How is it already March??? The beginning of 2015 went by in a flash, but the beginning of the year always does for our family. Birthday after birthday, Valentine's Day and Girl Scouts and hey... one year since my arm first broke. We didn't celebrate this milestone (arm, you've come a long way baby), but every time we have a crazy or difficult day Karl and I say to each other, "Well we're doing so much better than we were a year ago this day." It helps put things in perspective, and remind us of how blessed we are.

Friday night I went to yoga for the first time in a long while. Before Emerson, I used to go to Karl's classes three times a week and Karl and I would start our mornings with a few sun salutations. After Emerson it was impossible to attend since someone had to stay home with baby and I woke before K, so our family sessions were few and far between. A little over a year ago, my mom started coming over Friday nights to put Em to bed so I could go to yoga. My mom has been going to Karl's yoga class twice weekly since he started teaching and she knows the benefits from flexibility to a chance to let the mind be still. With the broken arm and the lack of flexibility after the casts and braces came off, it was near impossible to get through a class. And then winter hit, family illnesses and heating issues in the building where Karl teaches. Needless to say, Friday night's class was a long time coming. It was exciting to be able to do every form, to put weight on my right hand and arm without pain or fear, and to get away from a computer and decompress.

With the weather, I've dropped my morning walking. A bit gun shy from the ice last winter, I'm pretty nervous outside in this weather and don't feel confident enough to walk around, especially in the dark of the early morning. I try to do some yoga in the morning but I've gotten really out of habit. This month I am getting back into the swing of things, giving my body the movement it needs and deserves.

The holidays was also terrible for my food intake. I went off the Whole30 rails, enjoying desserts, pasta, Girl Scout cookies, and plenty of cocktails and I feel sluggish and... well old. It made me realize how light and comfortable I felt when on a primarily Whole30 diet so I've gone back. I'm still enjoying a glass of wine from time to time, but again cutting out the grains, the sugar, and the dairy. Karl's completely on board and makes Whole30-friendly dinners and we've agreed to again have the kitchen stocked with Whole30 foods to make breakfasts and lunches easy. I find it's not temptation of the non-compliant foods; except for things like Samoas and potato chips I don't crave the cheese, bread, or sweets that are in the house. I find I falter when it's too difficult to figure out what to eat. Having ground beef, avocados, olives, pre-cut veggies, lots of fruit available makes it easier to stay on track.

I've been pretty stressed in general, but it hasn't been bad things. I don't know what I was smoking when I agreed to be a co-leader for Emerson's Daisy Girl Scouts troop, it's not like I needed anything additional on my plate, but I love it. I co-lead with two amazing fellow moms in my community and I love how we're very different people bringing different skills and talents to the troop, and how well we work together. Right now it's all about the cookies (as an FYI to those who don't know, Girl Scouts doesn't give troops any funding, the money for their troops to run and their activities to take place - even buying patches and badges comes from either dues or fundraising/selling cookies). Since we're a brand new troop and have girls of different economic levels, we're trying to make it with just fundraising profits and not dues. This weekend we had our Investiture Ceremony and the girls got their pins; they were so excited and we are thrilled to see how much they have learned and grown since we started just a few short months ago. Booth sales run through this month, but we're starting to focus on the girls earning their Daisy Petals. I'm looking forward to our spring activities!

Work has been a bit crazy. My department transitioned to a new company, and so far it has been pretty great. They're a friendly, collaborative group and have really made us feel welcome and part of the team. We've had a lot of moving around for the companies: most of our DC office moved to a new location this January, a different location's staff is moving into our office in those empty desks this week, and come this summer my department will be moving to the new company's location. It's the time of year for annual reviews so I've been spending a lot of time after work hours writing evaluations. It's also a time of the year for proposals and rebids, so we've also been busy with budgets. With the change to a new company, my staff changed so we've had to adjust with fewer folks and learning how to ask for help from our new coworkers. But there's a positive feel in the air, we're doing some fun new things with new clients, we're getting energy from our new creative coworkers, and I think it's going to be a great year for my department.

And the blog... well after ten years I think it's time for some renovations! I hate it when my favorite blogs change so much I don't recognize them and don't know how to navigate them. As I do a bit of a facelift to Wardrobe Oxygen in the next couple of months, I'm keeping that in mind. I'd like to hear from you so I can be sure this site is still easy for you to read and access. The content isn't changing, it's more of a site makeover. What do you like, what do you hate, what does another blog have that you find really useful. I'll consider all feedback, there's no point in updating this site if it makes it less enjoyable for you to read and access!

I'm starting a monthly newsletter, which you likely noticed by the pop-up on the screen (mobile users don't see it because I think pop-ups are a PITA on my phone and I didn't want to do that to you). This newsletter will provide content not on the blog or social media - reviews of what I have recently read, listened to, or seen; upcoming events I'll be attending or you may wish to attend; promotions and sales just for newsletter subscribers; I'll also be answering reader questions and discussing personal style and current trends. Do sign up ( here is the link), the first newsletter will go out this week and they'll be a first week of the month occurrence. And as I request for the site update, I appreciate any feedback to make these newsletters better for you!

Fashion has been minimal with this weather. Lots of layers, wool, cashmere, and fleece. I said I was going to return these boots in this post... but I didn't. The soles are awesome for the slush and ice, and I can step on what I think is firm icy snow and fall into a deep puddle of slush and stay dry. They're not the most flattering but they're pretty badass in how they handle winter. I wear with leggings or jeggings, and have worn under work trousers for my commute. I can't wait for warmer, dryer weather so I can get excited about fashion again!

So how are you doing? Surviving the winter? Anything new or exciting happening in your neck of the world?

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