I read a lot in March but for various reasons haven't been writing reviews. I'm not sure I'll ever get around to reviewing these but I wanted to share what I read anyway. Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson - the story of a failed climb up K2 which turned into a mission to build schools in Pakistan. I realize that I am quite behind in reading this book as it was popular several years ago. Somehow I managed to miss the controversy surrounding this organization and its founder as well. Southern Fried Sushi by Jennifer Rogers Spinola - Shiloh Jacobs must navigate a change in circumstances from her dream job in Japan to unemployment in rural Virginia. Can she come to terms with her past and move into a new future with the help of some new friends? I was not aware when I started reading this book that it was Christian fiction. I enjoyed the first several chapters of the story until it started to feel like I was being beaten over the head with a Bible. The Undead Pool by Kim Harrison - The twelfth book in The Hollows series is a must read for Rachel Morgan fans. Although the main threat to the characters is interesting, it is the relationship between Rachel and Trent that held my attention in this one. Harrison finally seems to answer the will they or won't they question and it only remains to see what the fallout will be. The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen - I adore the magical realism in Sarah Addison Allen's books and The Sugar Queen is no exception. The characters are all searching for something and have unique talents and quirks which bring them together. Josey, Della Lee, and Chloe give the reader hope that lives can change and lost dreams can be recovered. Dear Money by Martha McPhee - India Palmer is a novelist turned bonds trader in this story of rags to riches in New York City before the fall of the real estate market. While the book had moments that captured my attention, I found the majority of it to be boring and I'm not sure why I bothered reading to the end. Cold Days by Jim Butcher - The fourteenth book of The Dresden Files follows Harry Dresden as he attempts to navigate his new role as Winter Knight. Harry has never been one for politics and he can sometimes be a bit slow on putting the clues together but his daring attitude makes for some fine adventures. Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen - Kate has been sleepwalking through her life for the year after her husband's death. When her daughter finds an old postcard reminding her of happier times, they decide to go on an adventure to Lost Lake to reconnect with Kate's aunt Eby. One after another people show up to Lost Lake to find something even if they don't realize what they are looking for. Again Sarah Addison Allen creates a world with magical realism but I found the characters in this novel a bit less developed than in previous books. The story and characters were engaging but I wish it had gone a bit deeper. Amazon affiliate links have been used in this post.