Lifestyle Magazine

March Goals

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
March GoalsHi Pixies! So now that Spring has officially arrived I can finally start my (many) attempts at Spring cleaning and sorting out things that I'd like to achive this Spring/Summer. There's probably a lot more that I could add to this list but for now I think that I'll just take it a few steps at a time, see where I end up and then I'm able to add more if I wish.
01. Blog at least three times a week.02. Read at least two books.03. De-clutter my bedroom & wardrobe.04. Practise Pointe for at least thirty minutes a week.05. Save up for a rainy day.06. Learn how to use my digital camera properly (not just point & shooting).07. Start watching The Walking Dead.08. Read 'The Fault In Our Stars'.09. Organize my blog posts/ideas.10. Research how to hold a giveaway.11. Go for more walks.

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