Fashion Magazine

MANSETTER Blog Coming 2012.........

By Kena @campchic


From one women to many.....

So I'm a little behind on the official or more like non-official launch of Mansetter blog. I've been asked by many men and by "many" I mean five men. Yep, five men have asked me to start a men's blog and I thought well here's what I'm going to do. I'm going create a "love space" where men can come to get tips on fashion and love. Yes sir, if I'm going to dedicate an entire blog to Men and have their attention for at least 5.2 seconds then you best believe I'm going to give some tips on love.

Here's the frist tip of the day: You are NOT "Mansetting" if you shop at Clarie's for accessories. I understand lil Wayne is doing it and seems to work for him but that's only because well he's "little". Chances are most women won't even notice him sporting skinny jeans and Uggs beacuse of his disdavantage in height. No disrespect to lil Wayne. I just really want Men to understand it doesn't take all that much to impress the ladies when putting you're ensemble together. Less is more Fellas when accessorizing! The best accessory a man can wear is his confidence. No one is saying you have to have the confidence of a Gladiator, I mean even Russell Crowe had a tough time pulling off those knee high strappy sandals. All you need is a enough confidence that says "hey, I got this". Oh and a little colonge is always nice as well. Ohhhhh, just thinking of man wearing Joop takes me back to my 9th grade crush. Well, I'm off to shop the market on best Men's colonges. I will report my findings within the next 48 hrs. Laters.....

The Ladies Love You

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