Recluse. Loner. Shut-in. Those were some of the descriptions police say they have found best describe 53-year-old Eric Goods of Valley Cottage, who is accused of attempted murder in the apparently unprovoked shooting Tuesday morning of a neighbor who was taking his dog out for an early-morning walk.
That's the whole story really. No one knows what could have provoked the incident. One neighbor is walking the dog early in the morning, the other neighbor comes up behind and shoots him four or five times, no reason.
I'd like to suggest something, I don't know if anyone else has thought of it. Mr. Goods was stark raving mad. His mental condition could have been easily identified even in the most cursory exam.
The pro-gun crowd love to ask, "what law could have prevented this particular crime?" Well, how about licensing of gun owners which would require criminal as well as mental health background checks. The license would have to be renewed periodically. Do you think Eric Goods would have passed? I don't.
Of course, given the way the NRA and the gun lobby have law enforcement hamstrung nowadays, this is what we're left with.
Clarkstown detectives were still checking records late Wednesday to determine whether Goods legally owned the gun used in the shooting.
Is that pathetic or what? What's your opinion?
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