Debate Magazine

"Man in Charge of Nation’s Finances Struggling with Concept of Half"

Posted on the 10 November 2014 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

It's a funny old world where spoof news website Newsthump comes up with the clearest explanation of why George Osborne's much vaunted success at negotiating down the UK's EU contributions is no such thing:
The Chancellor said that the UK will now be able to offset its EU rebate of £850m against the surcharge, meaning it will only have to pay £850m extra to the EU next year.

Economist Simon Williams, who actually understands the principle of ‘fractions’, told us, “The point here is that the Chancellor has given away the rebate we were due to get next year.

“So we’ve given up a £850m rebate from the EU, in order to have £850m taken off our surcharge bill. You don’t need a degree in economics to see how this isn’t the same as ‘halving your bill’.”

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