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Mamma Mia 2 - Hotel Bella Donna Style

By Trendoffice @trendoffice
I am fascinated with this design - have you noticed the atmosphere in the hotel rooms? I am sorry that I could not find enough photos to show it, but I think even those few are enough to make you want to stay there:

Mamma Mia 2 - Hotel Bella Donna Style

Hotel Bella Donna

Mamma Mia 2 - Hotel Bella Donna Style

You can have a 360 degrees walk through some of the spaces within the set of the hotel. Here are some shots:
Mamma Mia 2 - Hotel Bella Donna Style
The spa
Mamma Mia 2 - Hotel Bella Donna Style
Mamma Mia 2 - Hotel Bella Donna Style
The stairs are so beautiful!
Mamma Mia 2 - Hotel Bella Donna Style
But what I liked most is this room:
Mamma Mia 2 - Hotel Bella Donna Style

Look at the details and colours - great set design! Set design is often one of the most important details in a film and in Mamma Mia 2 most of it in all locations is so beautiful! This and the impressive way Cher presented the famous ABBA song Fernando are good enough reasons to see the film.

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