Everyone needs a living space, but you also deserve to feel comfortable and at home in your living space. It's not always easy to feel more at home where you live, but with a magic touch, you can start to make your home feel like it's yours! A lot of people when choosing a place to live, often find themselves in a position where they have to settle for something that doesn't fit them completely - it's unlikely that you're going to find a place tailored to you.
Not everyone is in the position to go splashing all of their money on changing up their living space, but you should consider it as a worthy investment if you plan to live there for a long time. With that being said, not every change you make has to be groundbreaking, there are many small investments you can make that will bring life to the place, and with a little experimenting, you could feel more at home in no time!
If you've never done something like this before, you can't expect yourself to be an interior design expert all of a sudden; there's no shame in looking at what others have done online if you need the inspiration! You never know, even if you are experienced in this, you might surprise yourself and want to try something new.
There are many sites online where you can find people posting about their own decorations, and they're a great resource to use if you're looking for new ideas and ways to make your own home more comfortable. It's important that you get this right, for both your comfort and your wallet!
LightingOne of the first things you should be looking to change up is the lighting. The lights you use can have such a significant effect on the room, and it's up to you to make sure you're getting the right tone. There's plenty to consider here, and you don't have to go all out with your money to change it!
For many people, bright, white lights aren't ideal for setting a cozy mood, so you're going to want to avoid that in the places you seek to relax in the evening. That said, your rooms don't get much natural light, having multiple light sources to change up during the day and night might be for you! Lamps and smaller bulbs like fairy lights can help bring warm, dim lighting to a room - which is great for setting a gentle mood!
Your ColorsJust like lighting, the colors also play a big role in setting the tone and mood of the room. Once you identify what colors are your cool colors, and what colors are your warm colors, you can start looking into where you want them! It's important to consider that you can't just mix any color with another, some clash and some mix - don't be afraid to experiment!
Setting a mood with colors doesn't require you to drastically alter the color of the whole room, but you might consider changing up things like curtains, rugs, and pillows if you're looking to make small changes now and then!
Colors like reds, oranges, and yellows are typically warm while colors like blue, purple, and green are cooler colors.
DIYBeware, DIY isn't for everyone, and it requires quite a bit of know-how! There's nothing wrong with wanting to do things on your own without the help of a professional, but you should make sure you know what you're doing before you do it! If you're looking to rearrange some plumbing because you moved an appliance - make sure you know whether to look for steel pipes or red oxide threaded pipes. You don't want to be caught unprepared, especially when working around important installations!
Put Up Some ArtThe usual decorations aren't always what you need when you want to make your living space more homely, and putting up decorations like art is a great way to express yourself! Whether it be a statue you bought in a charity store or a canvas you saw online that you thought might match well with your room; any attempt to personalize your home is a great step in the right direction.
Your own art is also a great way to express yourself in your home, and if you don't enjoy that hobby, putting up your own photos is a great way for your walls to say a lot about you!
Liven Up The PlaceHaving plants in your home is a great way to make you feel like you live in a more lively space, and they're very rewarding to look after. You do have to care for them and make sure they get the right amount of light and water every day, but they look wonderful and can really make your rooms a happier place!
Start a CollectionCollecting things is a great investment into satisfaction, and putting it on display can help to show off what you enjoy, and it gives you something to be proud of if you're ever hosting people at your place.
Our homes are a lot more than a place just to feel comfortable, they have a large impact on our daily mood. The comfort you feel when you're at home is very important if you're going to be spending a lot of time there. Things like a leaky tap, or a draught in the window might not seem like a big inconvenience, but when you have to deal with it every single day, it can really start to take a toll on how you feel.
Remember, there's no better place to invest than where you live, and you should make sure you have the living space that you deserve! Putting some money aside every now and then so you can afford to have a little extra comfort every day is a wise choice, and you shouldn't overlook any inconveniences that you have to deal with. When you invest in your home, you're investing in yourself.