Family Magazine

Making Others Smile #31daysoffun

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
One thing which I wanted to do this summer was get involved with helping a charity of some sort. There are a few charities which are close to my heart however something last week caught my eye and I knew it was something that Maxwell and I needed to get involved with.
Last week I read a story on Facebook about a incredible little boy called Skye who has been battling cancer since last year. Skye has a dream and his dream is to make a long enough loom which would reach the moon. As a 22 year old mom with a 2 year old boy I was aware of loom bands however I was unaware of how to create a loom however I felt it was the time to learn so Maxwell and I could help Skye reach the moon!
Making Others Smile #31daysoffun
We managed to purchase a full loom band kit for a whole 28p off Amazon and we awaited its arrival patiently. Today was the day the loom band kit arrived and I have to say I had no clue how to start a loom so I hit YouTube in the hope someone had a tutorial which would be simple for me to follow. 
I watched many videos and was amazed at the skill some people had when creating looms however all the videos seemed too hard for me to follow, eventually I found a great tutorial what a little girl had made. Within 20 minutes of watching the video of how to create a loom, Maxwell and  I were in full flow of making our own. 
Making Others Smile #31daysoffun
Maxwell is quite small so I did not want him to be making looms especially as the bands are so tiny however Maxwell was a brilliant little helped to me. Maxwell enjoyed bringing the loom bands to me for a hour or so and loved watching me create a long loom. 
After a hour Maxwell got a little board and my fingers started to hurt and turn a shade of purple so we stopped however we are going to continue making our loom until all of our 1000 bands have been used up.
I know over this summer many parents out there will be assisting there children to be making looms so why not get involved with helping Skye reaching the moon?
1. Make the longest loom chain you can.
2. Take a photo of you with your loom chain and a message to Skye.
3. Post the photo to this page.
4. Send your chain by post to Skye at:
                                  Blue Skye Thinking, 59 Hendred Way, Abingdon, OX14 2AW, United Kingdom
5. Like this page and share with all your friends.
6. Donate to Skye's charity at
Making Others Smile #31daysoffun

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