Family Magazine

Make Your Own Logo

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj

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I had the opportunity to review a free logo maker called Online Logo Maker. I had wanted to play around with some ideas I had for a logo if I ever decide to make a website for my VA business. I also would like to redo this blog someday, but I haven’t been able to find the image I want to use for that. I keep hoping one of my children will learn how to do graphic design so they can create this stuff for me.

But until then having easy to use programs like this online logo maker will be great. This was really very simple to use. I think I could easily make my buttons in it too. I usually use PicMonkey to make these things, but this free logo maker might actually even be easier to use than PicMonkey is.

It has hundreds of different common symbols you might want to use already on it. You can also upload your own image. Then there are writing fonts you can use too. The fonts are all nice bold fonts and it’s very easy to use. One thing I was having trouble figuring out was how to write my own text though. I read the tutorial and figured out that you just have to double click to type.

Every element you add to your logo you can size to make it the image size you want. So if you were making a button which you would want to be square and no more than 250×250 you can easily adjust the image to that size and the font on it too. And since you remain on the same screen the whole time it’s all very easy to adjust just the way you want it.

Signing up was very easy too. Just give your name and email address and make a password and you can save your logos to work on later. For basic logo making it really doesn’t get too much easier than this. I really like it and I can see myself using it for other things.

I hesitate about sharing the logo I created, or logos rather because I have yet to announce my name idea for my VA business. However, I’d really love some feedback on this. So I’m going to share the two logos I made.

Mojo VA Inc

This was the first one I made using one of the symbols from the online logo maker.

Mojo VA Services
And this one I made using my own image.

So which one do you all like better?

I have received payment for this review, but all opinions expressed here are my own.

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