Lifestyle Magazine

Make Good-For-You Choices This Holiday Season! #LoveV8Protein

By Secondchancesgirl
Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Colelctive Bias, Inc., and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LoveV8Protein #CollectiveBias
2015 is right around the corner but this year I am not waiting until the new year to start making good choices regarding my health. I'm starting now during the holiday season. Yes, I know I sound insane, how could I go through the holiday season and think about good-for-you choices in regards to food? Well my friends, it all starts with baby steps. Yes, I will indulge in some cookies but I have also replaced my snacking on junk food frenzy with the the new V8 protein bars. 
Make good-for-you choices this holiday season with the new Campbell's V8 Protein shakes and bars! #LoveV8Protein #ad
I found these bars while I was holiday shopping at Walmart last week. It was one of those rare instances when I went to the store by myself and had time to walk up and down all the aisles. I found these bars in the Diet & Nutrition Bars aisle. 

Make good-for-you choices this holiday season with the new Campbell's V8 Protein shakes and bars! #LoveV8Protein #ad

When I first met JC about 4 years ago, I was thin and in shape. I was working out a couple times a week and even had muscle definition in my arms and legs. Then I got incredibly busy with a new job, new family and starting a blog. I also got lazy. I would make up every excuse in the world to not work out or even take a few extra minutes to meal prep my lunches. I also turned into a snacker. I was constantly eating something and I have gained weight, about 25-30 pounds that just need to go.
Make good-for-you choices this holiday season with the new Campbell's V8 Protein shakes and bars! #LoveV8Protein #ad
I have decided that the time has come. I need to wake up earlier and start walking. I need to get in at least three workouts a week and some yoga. I use to love doing yoga and now my mat sits collecting dust under my bed. These two love to work out together and soon it will be a trio. I want to lose weight but I want to do it the right way, by eating right and exercising. No crazy diets for me!
Make good-for-you choices this holiday season with the new Campbell's V8 Protein shakes and bars! #LoveV8Protein #ad
Also, its time to meal prep. We take our lunches to work so I started with that. I make sure I have my protein and good carbs, such as chicken breast and steamed veggies. I also pack my V8 bars for my afternoon snack. These bars are so delish. I mean, look at it! 
Make good-for-you choices this holiday season with the new Campbell's V8 Protein shakes and bars! #LoveV8Protein #ad
The Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars are packed full of roasted peanuts and soy protein with rich chocolate and creamy peanut butter to give you satisfyingly delicious energy! Each bar provides 10g of protein, the 1/4 cup equivilant of vegetables and as much fiber as 2 cups of kale!! V8 also comes in protein shakes with protein from milk, soy, peas, brown rice and quinoa. There are 6 flavor options across the bars and shakes so you can find one that will be perfect for you!!
For more information, be sure to check them out on Facebook!
Have you tried these new Campbell's V8 Proteein shakes and bars yet? Have you gotten an early start on any resolutions yet?

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