Lifestyle Magazine

Maisy&Moon: All-in-1 Swaddles

By Chaayen
Now that everyone knows baby's gender, we can release the posts that give away baby's gender. A lot of mothers have commented how fast babies grow and will outgrow many of the purchases made. Some parents suggested to me buying cheaper items, but a good part of me is worried that if something is too cheap, it may also indicate that the product is sub-par. So I thought it might be more sensible to get products that have multiple uses instead.
If you have been following this series, I wrote a post on swaddling before and had some reservations on cloth swaddle because it seemed so difficult. I spoke to my Mum about it and she told me get some clothes one as they were more versatile. I found these from Maisy&Moon ($45 for 2). Currently, they don't hold many designs, but one thing for sure, these clothes were huge.
Maisy&Moon: All-in-1 Swaddles
Each piece measured 120cm by 120cm. For those who are unfamiliar with the brand, Maisy&Moon are owned by mothers and their products are made with mothers in mind. The swaddle cloth is made from 70% bamboo and 30% cotton and is soft and breezy, good for our humid Singapore weather. It is naturally hypoallergenic and odour resistant. These swaddles are made large so that when babies outgrow the swaddling stage, mummies can use these for other uses.
Some uses include:
  1. Breastfeeding Cover
  2. Pram Cover
  3. Blanket (even for adults)
  4. Changing Mat (but not waterproof)
  5. Playmat Cover
  6. Backdrop for baby photos
  7. Towel (not the most absorbent)
  8. Cape for playtime

On first impression, I think this is quite a steal and I like the boy's classic design. When baby is older, I will leave it to him how he wants to use it. Since he will be traveling quite a few places, duplicated blankets might be needed to be placed at different households, so I am pretty sure these won't go to waste!

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