Business Magazine

Maintaining a Sales Pipeline During a Crisis

Posted on the 16 March 2020 by Chrisbrown @ChrisBrown330

Maintaining a Sales Pipeline during a CrisisWhile the fear, uncertainty and doubt of the beginning stages of the COVID-19 pandemic are underway here in the United States, business professionals who are responsible for the sales and marketing of their companies are wondering how to maintain their sales pipeline.

Life and death decisions are always more important in times like these. In-person meetings, event marketing, and the economy take a different priority.

There are things that professionals can do to maintain their business sales pipeline during this uncertain time.

  • Working remotely from home
  • Communicate with customers
  • Communicate with employees
  • Maintain perspective
  • Build relationships and alliances where you have capabilities and others have needs
  • Make use of technology when it makes sense: Zoom, Skype

Depending on your products and services, it may not be an opportune time to communicate and your time would be better spent preparing for two, three months from now.

Training: Not sure how to use the technology? offers some very helpful videos. Many libraries have purchased a subscription to Lynda that you can access with your library card.

Regroup on business development: Time to work on refreshing your marketing materials, website, and more during these changing times. Now that your business travel has been curtailed, use the time to revise your planning and materials as needed.

Maintaining a Sales Pipeline during a Crisis

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