Culture Magazine

MAGA Cult Triumphant

By Fsrcoin

The Republican crazies got their way in the end after all.

It had seemed the party was completely MAGA-gaga, with little left of its sane wing. But then during the House speakership ruckus, it might briefly have looked as though there was real division, with a sane contingent finally finding a voice. Especially during the disgraceful Jim Jordan candidacy, full of bullying and even death threats.

MAGA Cult Triumphant

But then they all caved, to wind up electing Mike Johnson. He does have a rep as a “nice guy.” And exhaustion certainly played a role in the vote. But Johnson is totally Trumpist, a leading election denier, working to push the big lie and voting against certification of the 2020 election. Trump himself — having pronounced a thumbs-down on the previous speaker nominee Tom Emmer — gave Johnson a big thumbs-up.

My wife was right originally saying Democrats made a terrible mistake voting with the eight GOP crazies to dethrone Speaker McCarthy. They should have just voted “present,” to disempower Gaetz and his bomb-throwers. But look what they’ve got now.

Democrats also may have missed a chance to get someone like Emmer in the speaker’s chair, about as reasonable a Republican as one might find today. He could have been elected with Democrat support plus just a few of the 117 Republicans who backed him in caucus. Had there even been a full floor vote. But the problem was that GOP voters so hate Democrats that being seen to cooperate with them in any way would ensure a Republican’s defeat in a party primary.

MAGA Cult Triumphant

So the berserker caucus used their few votes to defenestrate McCarthy, then to sink Steve Scalise, and then Emmer; but no so-called moderates could find the stomach to emulate them and block Johnson. Every single Republican voted for him. Now the party is totally united . . . in the deranged Trump MAGA cult of lies.

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