Art & Design Magazine

MADSTEEZ x Magnum x @Knockaround HQ

By Whatyouwrite @whatyouwrite

“San Diego-based sunglasses company, Knockaround, pulls inspiration from a wide range of people, places, and things. At the top of that inspirational list is Thomas Magnum – the fictional private investigator from the 1980s television hit, Magnum, P.I. To pay tribute to Magnum and the Hawaiian lifestyle that he made famous (ie. beautiful beaches, beautiful women, and beautiful cars), Knockaround asked California-based visual artist Mark Paul Darren (aka. MADSTEEZ) to paint a mural in the warehouse at the company’s downtown SD Headquarters. Carried out in his signature neon and purple hues, MADSTEEZ chose to portray Magnum wearing his iconic “Paradise Found” red parrot shirt. Complete with footage of Knockaround founder Ace Moyer’s vintage Ferrari, here is the behind-the-scenes video of MADSTEEZ’s Magnum Wall.”

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