Lifestyle Magazine

Made in the A.M. | November Playlist

By Lostbutnotfound @lostbutntfound
tumblr_ngskurMdBk1sulnzno1_400 2543DBFD-6F49-491D-AF9A-03FCA1BD0429 tumblr_ms6ve8UHKw1qfun5bo1_500 provence-87 [Images via: Tumblr, Isabelle Nazha Photo, Tumblr, Isabelle Nazha Photo] If you weren't a One Direction fan, you would probably not see the connection between the title of this post and their newest album. I may or may not be a low key (HIGH KEY) fan of them, especially their new songs, which are of course included in this collection of songs. This month, I listened to a nice range of JB, One Direction, Drake, and Banks. Click here to listen to my playlist on Spotify! What have you been listening to?  Here's a preview of my playlist... ILYSB- LANY
Practice- Drake The Feeling- Justin Bieber, Halsey  Wolves- One Direction Sad Boy- G-Eazy Celeste- Ezra Vine
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