So, I’ve been blogging for two years now and I have yet to post anything negative about well, anything. I’ve recently realised that so far I’ve only shared the luxury products I’ve tried and loved. This post is going to be all about those little luxuries that don’t deserve their designer price tags.

Creme De La Mer Cleanser and Toner
I bought the Creme De La Mer cleanser and toner a few months ago and if you read my post about this purchase, you will know that I was more than a little bit excited about it. Did it give me supermodel skin? Was it worth the one hundred English pounds that I paid for it? No and no. Ooh! What about the miniscule tub of Creme De La Mer moisturiser that came with it? Simply awful. I’m not going to lie, after the first day of using these products, I woke up expecting to see a Gisele esque complexion staring back at me and my expectations for this product were fairly high. What I didn’t expect was my complexion to get worse. In the space of a week, my pores were clogged and blackheads had started to appear. If you have had anything but awful experiences with Creme De La Mer, please leave a comment as I’m going to need that info in writing to believe it. To sum up? Take your £100 to Elemis. Your face will thank you.

Liz Earle Nourishing Botanical Body Cream
I’m a Palmers girl through and through when it comes to body lotion but I got this free in my Liz Earle advent calendar last year so I thought I’d take it on my travels as it’s travel size. I took this body cream to Champneys and after a few gruelling exercise classes, my skin was in need of a little moisture. I’m a huge fan of Liz Earle skincare but I’ve never used any of the products that are designed to be used from the neck down. Quite frankly, I wasn’t blown away. The consistency is rather clay like and it didn’t make my skin feel soft and dewy after application.

Laura Mercier Primer
*hides behind duvet* I know, I know, I’m probably going to get a barrage of abuse for this one. I’m almost scared to say the words out loud. Je Deteste the Laura Mercier primer. I got this in a free gift when I spent my life savings on Creme De La Mer and if I’m honest, it was probably the free gift that subconsciously made me buy it and unfortunately this only adds to my hatred of this product. Yes, I said it. I won’t say I was angry after trying out this product, merely disappointed. I’ve heard this primer being talked about on the beauty blogger grapevine as some kind of skin savior and it just made my face feel greasy and gave me more of a shine than a glow. Boo Hoo.

St Tropez Gradual Tan
Huff. I received a 50ml tube of the St Tropez dark gradual tan free when I had a Spray Tan at Hotel Du Vin Spa ages ago and I dug it out last week when I was looking a little pasty. I’ve used the ST Tropez spray bottles before and found the color quite nice but when a bottle says dark, I expect it to be able to see a difference. I know this was a gradual tan but I got bored of waiting for my inner bronzed Goddess to emerge. Give me Xen Tan any day.
Did you rate these products or hate them?