Humor Magazine

Lush T Shirts – Wear You Personality

By Bestfunnyblog @bestfunnyblog
Lush T Shirts – Wear You Personality

Lush is a UK-based company that specializes in funny t shirts. Their simple yet noble mission is to make you laugh or provoke thought. All of their tees are 100% cotton and the designs are in the form of slogans. You choose the color shirt you want it printed on. Some of their categories include: offensive, gay, retro.. they even have Jersey Shore tees! Lush can also do custom orders with only a one shirt minimum.. you get to choose your own slogan! Head over to their site to check out more t shirts.

Some of my favorites:

“Dip me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians”

“I look much better online”

“You had me at I swallow”

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