Lungs are two spongy organs found in your chest which takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. It claims more lives every year rather than a colon, ovarian, prostate and breast cancer. Lung cancer occurs for those who smoke as well as don't smoke. If a person smokes, they have a higher risk of lung cancer than those who don't smoke. After a few years, if you quit smoking then the chances of lung cancer reduces.
The lung cancer cannot be detected at early stages and only in the advanced stages, this could be detected. Some of the signs of lung cancers are:
●Cough that doesn't go away
●Shortness of breath
●Coughing up blood, even a small amount
●Chest pain
●Bone pain
●Losing weight without trying
When the signs and symptoms persist it is ideal to consult the Cancer specialist in India.
In case, you smoke and you are unable to quit smoking then consult the doctor. He will recommend strategies to quit smoking and will provide you with counseling, nicotine replacement, and medications.
Most of the lung cancers occur due to smoking as well as people who are exposed to second-hand smoke. But it also occurs for those who don't smoke and who have not exposed to second-hand smoke.
Lung cancer types
According to doctors, there are two major types of lung cancer under the microscope. Based on the type of lung cancer, the doctor will provide you with Lung Cancer Treatment in India. The two types are as follows:
●Small cell lung cancer: It occurs to heavy smokers exclusively and is less common when compared to non-small cell lung cancer.
●Non-small cell lung cancer: It is an umbrella term for several types of lung cancers. All these lung cancers behave in a similar way. It includes squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.
Risk factors
The lung cancer risk factors are as follows:
●Exposure to radon gas
●Exposure to secondhand smoke
●Exposure to asbestos and other carcinogens
●Family history
On diagnosis of lung cancer, the treatment will be planned by a team of health professional specialists. They will provide treatment according to the type and stage of your lung cancer. They will also take into account your overall health and personal preferences.
Mostly the doctor will recommend surgery when the cancer is confined to the lungs. They might even advise you to take chemotherapy or radiation first in order to shrink the tumors. Lung cancer surgery is of three types.
●Wedge resection or segmental resection: They will remove that portion of the lung that contains a tumor and healthy tissues are also removed. This treatment will be done to those patients for whom cancer is limited to one particular area.
●Lobectomy: A lobectomy is a surgery to remove a lobe of the lungs. The affected lobe is removed, and the remaining healthy lung tissues can work normally. A lobectomy is often performed during a thoracotomy surgery.
●Pneumonectomy: A pneumonectomy is a type of surgery to remove one of your lungs due to cancer, trauma or any other condition. According to pneumonectomy, the surgeon employs a cut on the edge of your body. The surgeon bites some muscles and separates the ribs. He or she removes a surgically affected lung. The pouch in which the lungs (lungs) are filled, are filled with air. After all, the fluid replaces this air.
Radiotherapy destroys cancer cells through high-powered beams. It is either palliative or radical. It is used in selected patients who have localized tumors that are inoperable. High doses of radiation are used to destroy the tumor.
This procedure uses intravenous or oral drugs that kill cancer cells. It is administered for several weeks and will have breaks in-between.
Biological therapies:
Of late, several biological therapies are introduced for lung cancers. This drug treatment blocks chemical messages that control cancer cells growth. It also otherwise helps the immune system to target cancer.
And there are also some complication involved with lung Transplant and they are as follows
Hemorrhoids and blood clots
Cancer and deformity due to immuno suppressant
kidney damage
stomach problems
Thinning of your bones
It is important to follow your doctor's instructions before and after your surgery. It can help to reduce your risks. Instructions will include making healthy lifestyle choices, such as adopting a healthy diet and not smoking. You should also avoid remembering any doses of medicines.
There is a Cancer specialist in India who provides Lung Cancer Treatment in India. Get in touch with them when you have symptoms and the treatment will be planned for you if diagnosed positively.