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Lunch Made Easy With Slimfast Noodles #SlimFastLunchClub // Health

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean
I sometimes really struggle to feel inspired at lunch, especially in the warmer months I simply feel clueless with what to have. My standard go-to is often home made soup, but come May time I can't even imagine eating something so warm and heavy. This is where healthy convenience comes into play, sometimes if I have time I love making a fresh salad but if I am truly stuck I like to grab and go. Ta-da introducing the SlimFast Noodle Box range. Lunch Made Easy With Slimfast Noodles #SlimFastLunchClub // Health
Bringing you up to date SlimFast have now got four flavours of SlimFast Noodles. Spaghetti bolognese, spicy Thai, chicken tikka and the latest addition is sweet and sour. Made from SlimTaki noodles made with konjac, (this is an Asian root vegetable that basically contains very little calories, zero fat or sugar). They are very filling and can be great for lunches or as your 'carb' portion as part of a meal. Lunch Made Easy With Slimfast Noodles #SlimFastLunchClub // Health

You can have the noodles as a snack on the 3,2,1 plan or just as a lunch without being on the Slimfast plan. I genuinely like all four flavours and found eating them as my lunch or snack in the mid afternoon nice and easy! They range in calories from 70 - 81 per pot which is great to see but without loads of added bits like you'd assume.Lunch Made Easy With Slimfast Noodles #SlimFastLunchClub // HealthWhat are slimtaki noodles exactly? Konjac (Amorphophallus Konjac) is sometimes also known as Elephant Yam or Devil's Tongue, it is similar to the texture of potato but minus the starchy carbs. It is approved by the EFSA so it's all safe, konjac in raw form contains soluble fiber called glucomannan, which according to research can contribute to weight loss as part of a healthy eating plan. According to Slimfast, their products now have a 30% reduction on sugars found in powders and ready-to-drink shakes. What about the other products though? I've been told they're currently working on all of their products... so I guess it's a case of watch this space. What a positive move for SlimFast and thanks for the noodles! What do you think? Have you tried SlimFast noodles or even SlimTaki ones? I love hearing your thoughts so leave me a comment below... don't forget to read my previous 3,2,1 post here.

Better yet why not get involved with the Slimfast lunch club. The series kicked off on 16th May, running every Monday lunchtime at 12.30pm for 20 minutes, up to and including 4th July. Fancy joining in? Simply search #SlimFastLunchClub on Monday to get chatting! 

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