Fashion Magazine

#LuckyFABB: The Mommy Factor

By Erika Brechtel @smallshopstudio

Sunday afternoon we took our daughter to one of her best friend’s birthday parties. And if I hadn’t been gone all weekend at a volunteer retreat (on 5 hours of sleep) I might have felt ok tearing her away from her friends. But I didn’t. Let’s just say lots of tears were shed when I finally decided I wouldn’t make it in time after all. But it was my decision. And yes, for my kid.

Lots of subsequent worries followed that perhaps my “mommy” situation did not fit into the #LuckyFABB model. Would everyone be 15 years younger, single and fabulous? I’m not a fashionista, a risk-taker in fashion, WTH am I doing? Will I be irrelevant?

Jennet Chow of Jellypop Shoes & Erika Brechtel of small shop, Lucky FABB

Client and mommy, Jennet Chow of Jellypop Shoes

Well, I am happy to report that that was not the case at all! With panelists like entrepreneurial mommies Jessica Alba, Elizabeth Banks and Randi Zuckerberg, and musings on more than one occasion about “how do moms balance work and kids?” I felt connected and dare I say, NOT crazy for missing my one opportunity to meet my design idol.

Plus TWO of my brands were at the event! Jellypop had an adorable booth (and everyone was carrying the bags!), and Vanilla Bake Shop did a gorgeous dessert table for LeSportSac.

I was kinda like a proud momma.

#LuckyFABB: The Mommy Factor

Vanilla Bake Shop dessert table for LeSportSac

I have so much more to share with you but I have to keep it short today (need to focus back on my clients!). Here’s what you have to look forward to in the next week or so if you’re interested:

1. How to Increase Search Engine Ranking

2. Top Social Media Trends of 2012 

(Lucky does have taped sessions and tweeted photos from the event on their site if you just can’t wait!)

I got so much out of this experience both professionally and personally, and I hope @LuckyMagazine will come back west next year!

#LuckyFABB: The Mommy Factor

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