Loving You
By Angela M Jordan
I used to think I loved myself. I used to think that I knew the answers, that my take no prisoners, callus attitude was enough. I used to think that not breaking down meant I was strong. That because I thought I was awesome meant I loved myself. But, I was wrong.
Loving yourself is not about how you FEEL about yourself; it's about how you TREAT yourself. So what does it truly take to love you?It took me years to learn the true meaning of "self-love" and now finally at the wonderful age of 29, I have, and then I wrote about it. What I learned along the way is that your happiness and abundance is tied to your purpose, loving yourself is a choice and you CAN have whatever life you want for yourself. Big life lessons for a girl from a small town outside of Baton Rouge, La. What I am not is an expert, nor do I claim to have "arrived", but what I am is an honest, authentic, soulful woman, just hoping to pass along a little of what I've learned on my journey to those who maybe haven't made it as far yet. My cup truly runneth over... and I would like for you to get in the overflow, trust me, it's a great place to be.
I wrote Loving You as a way to give back, to share my story, my experience, and my love. I want to teach you how to love yourself, how to find your purpose, and how to change your life. Not ironically, they are all connected, and it all starts with the fundamental belief that you my dear are enough.
Loving You: A Girl's Guide To Crazy, Sexy, Self-Love is just what you have been looking for to jumpstart your life, and in turn revolutionize your love life. I have found that the key to healthy relationships start with the relationship you have with yourself. If you cannot give to, have patience, forgive, and love yourself then how can you give that to someone else in it's entirety? The answer is you cannot. You must first learn to commune with yourself, in a big way, and then the relationships will flow like hot syrup on warm waffles. They will be effortless, easy even.
But I didn't write a feel good, everyone is love and unicorns kinda book. No, I wrote a get your ass up and get motivated kinda book, you know the kind that gets you moving, and in the right direction.
I found my purpose several years ago and it truly changed my life. My hope for you is that you will do the same. My hope is to spread love, share provoking and motivating thoughts, and bring inspiration to you.
Xo Angie