Culture Magazine

Loving Abroad Support Group

By Englishwifeindianlife

I have wanted to create a forum on my blog for a while as we've built a lovely little community over the years and I want to enable more interaction but forums seem complicated and I am no software engineer. So, moving with the times, I have created a Facebook group for international/intercultural relationships.

Do you know the heartbreak and joy of airport kisses, Skype dates and leaving your home behind to be with your heart? Are you in a long distance relationship? Is your partner from a distant land? Are you a love expat?

This is a support group for you!
Loving Abroad Support Group

This group is for those who have fallen in love with someone from a different country or culture. This is not a place to find love, it's a support network for those who are loving abroad. The purpose of this group is it connect, share, console and ask questions.

So, yay, I hope you join us! Hopefully we can build something beautiful together!

About Lauren Mokasdar

Lauren fell in love on the internet, took a one way flight from England, got married & started a new life & bicultural family in India. She writes about finding happiness & balance between two very different worlds, when her baby takes a nap.

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