
Loved Sid The Sloth? Meet His Real-Life Doppelganger That Has Become An Internet Sensation!

Posted on the 20 December 2021 by Jitender Sharma

As if this wasn’t enough, Sid also has over 10 thousand followers on Instagram ― and even more subscribers on YouTube! What this pup lacks in actual sloth-like behavior he definitely makes up for in personality. He will gladly cuddle with you all day long while showing off his adorable tongue and a slew of other facial expressions.

No doubt that Sid The Sloth Doppelganger Dog is truly living the life. This pup’s Instagram account is filled with pictures of him posing with his owner, playing in the snow, taking a bath, and even having some fun at the beach.

The only thing missing from this adorable dog’s Instagram account is any selfies of himself! That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have other accounts on the internet though, but many of these are actually parody accounts. With all the attention being paid to Sid, he could easily gain more followers by posting some snaps of himself that don’t look exactly like him.

Loved Sid The Sloth? Meet His Real-Life Doppelganger That Has Become An Internet Sensation!

Though the dog’s doppelganger seems to have infinite energy, Sid will need a lot of energy to keep up with this attention. If you attempt to look through his Instagram account, you will notice that Sid’s owner is often following him back. This is because she has discovered that Jack Russell Terriers are very loyal dogs that are always ready to give you your full attention.

Sid The Sloth Doppelganger Dog also has another Instagram account called “My Doppelganger”, but this one is only following 30 people.

Sid’s fame has even attracted the attention of real-life ninja turtles:

The first person to post a picture of his doppelganger was Shawn Raben, who captioned the photo with the words “I saw this on Instagram and had to share. This is too funny!! I think I’m beginning to understand why they call him Sid…a step up from his pizza party brother Leo! He looks like he’s having fun in this one, but my bet is that he’d be in bed with you in 5 seconds if you said sweet dreams.”

It is easy to see why Sid The Sloth Doppelganger Dog has attracted so much attention on social media. After all, how can you resist this adorable pup?

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