Books Magazine

Love Stories by @TrentDalton

By Pamelascott

Love Stories by @TrentDalton

Trent Dalton, Australia's best-loved writer sat on a busy street corner with a sky-blue Olivetti typewriter and asked the world a simple, direct question: Can you please tell me a love story?

A blind man yearns to see the face of his wife of 30 years. A divorced mother has a secret affair with a travelling priest. A widower miraculously finds a three-minute video recorded by his wife before she died. A lumberjack's heart falls in a forest. A working mum contemplates taking the photographs of her late husband down from the fridge. A girl writes her last letter to the grandfather she adored, and then sets it on fire. A palliative care nurse helps a dying woman converse with the angel at the end of her bed. A renowned 100-year-old scientist ponders the one great earthly puzzle he was never able to solve: What is love?

Endless stories. Human stories. Love stories.


Dear Kath, I got your gift.


(@HarperCollinsUK, 28 October 2021, ebook, 352 pages, copy from the publisher via #NetGalley)



This is a new author for me. I'm a sucker for a good love story. Who isn't? As soon as I read the blurb for Love Stories I knew had to read it. The stories in this book are true. I loved the idea of the author sitting at a desk on the street with a typewriter asking people passing buy to tell him a story. There's something almost magical about that image. Each story in this book is very different from those before it and you'll find love in all its different colours, shapes and sizes between the pages. This is worth a read.

Love Stories @TrentDalton

Love Stories by @TrentDalton

I live in Irvine in the Scotland with my partner. I work in the Financial Services. I like reading especially Joyce Carol Oates and Stephen King. I write fiction and poetry. I enjoy watching TV (Grimm, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Lip Service, The L Word etc). I like to play video games and am a fan of survival horror especially the Silent Hill franchise. I like to watch movies especially horror and anything where someone dies. View All Posts

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