I am not going to mention any names but he knows who he is.
Since around Sunday on February 5, 2023 I noticed a few love/attraction/ lust spells tried to be worked upon me.
It began with acknowledgement of the man lusting after me -sexually desiring me- with the attempt to also get me to have a sexual as well as physical attraction to this guy.
Then I began to receive messages that this guy likes me very much.
In the days following, the essence of the love spell relayed to me the other feelings that are intended to sway me.
The motive is to have me like, care for, and possibly fall in love with this guy so I will be drawn to him.
I guess he thinks if he can make me feel this way that I will jump into bed with him.
He thinks that if I have sex with him because of the love spell then walk away from me afterwards that I will somehow be hurt emotionally.
This would be his way of retaliating against me for rejecting him by using an “unnatural” method (love-magic/witchcraft).
I understand that he or his ego may be hurt but witchcraft/black magic/voodoo does not and never has worked on me mentally or emotionally I am far too strong for that.
I am sensitive to energy so I can pick up on the essence and the intent.
I do not understand why some guys have the mentality that they can hurt women by using them for sex.
Every woman is not the same and they do not hold the mentality of being disgraced by negative men who try to humiliate and degrade them in that manner.
There are women who use men for sex too and do not care.
He probably believes in his ignorant mind that I would be hurt the most because I am not the type who goes to bed with anyone at all. So, if he sleeps with me by doing witchcraft then talks badly about me with lies and whatever other stupid games he would be avenged.
He is sick in my opinion.
Love spells should not be done at all- but if they are done- at least people should do them with good/honest intentions instead of selfish ones that intend to hurt others just to have one’s way with them.
Aside from all that, witchcraft/black magic/voodoo is real even if certain people do not believe that it works.
The supernatural instance does not affect everyone but a lot of people do become under the influence of it. If witchcraft/black magic/voodoo does not work on a person mentally, emotionally or physically it can work on them spiritually or materially- through finances and other means.
No matter what, God is always stronger than the devil that is why I am continuously kept aware. I am so grateful and thankful to the Lord for looking out and keeping me protected.
I remember years ago another guy worked a love spell on me to try to get me to love, marry him, and have babies with him.
I do not like people who do these things with ulterior motives to suit themselves, especially against another person’s will.
Why want someone who does not want you back? There is a world full of people on the planet.
What is important is that for people who are interested in relationships to find one’s who are best suited for them.
Right now, with the current guy, I find this action of his kind of exciting as I wonder how much further he will go. I even have a smile on my face at this love spell.
I am a fierce spiritual warrior and I am ready for the battle that God will take care of!