**these photos are from the past week. we took a true holiday from all work today and left the cameras tucked away while we relaxed and rested**
Hope you all had a rejuvenating Independence Day. There is something about the coming together and the cooking and the magnificent display in the sky that is so humbling to me. I always remember the beauty of our freedom, and the wealth of opportunity in the world, and the pure love we all have all around us. And this year we skipped the cookout and instead had fresh juice and hummus with cumin-sauteed mushrooms. We avoided the crazy crowds of the Macy's Fireworks and opted for the local display instead, proudly put together by the neighborhood kids (the same ones who broke open the fire hydrant on the corner and turned our Brooklyn block into a pool party). And we all turned in at 9(!) o'clock, listening to the booms of the big fireworks in the distance. And I felt the same freedom, the same eager anticipation for the future, the same glory, the same love. Today was a holiday of grounded appreciation for the past, and wide-eyed wonder towards the future. And it all makes me feel like my little family and I are right where we need to be. Happy fourth!