I must go here.
Originally posted on Coffee Cups in Trees:
Tall, tall, tall, tall, tall man
you bend so as not to dent the firmament.
You’re made of elements I’ve never tasted.
I crave you, tall man,
I wish I could say I picked up Love, An Index because it is poetry month and I am super cool that way. I wish I could say that I love poetry , that it is the blood in my veins and the beat of my heart or some otherly appropriate poetic phrasing. The fact is I’m not a huge poetry fan and though a verse does catch my eye now and again I rarely read it for pleasure.
See above my head?
This week a friend of mine invited me to take a drive with her outside my normal realm of travel to grab a cup ‘o chai from a new bookstore/coffee shop in the Bishop Arts District called The Wild Detectives. We wondered when…
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