Business Magazine

Lost Bet Ends in the Most Embarrassing Billboard Ever

Posted on the 18 September 2012 by Thehangline

Huntress Lost Best Billboard in Buffalo

Prominent local businessman William Huntress and his son-in-law, Omar Abu-Sitta, lost a bet. What the bet was over is unknown at the moment. But the stakes were high. A photo of Huntress and Abu-Sitta accompanies the headline “Don’t let erectile dysfunction affect your love life!” on a billboard in Buffalo, NY. Lamar’s local general manager, Rick Dvorak, expected an uproar, but the billboard came down after a week with little fanfare.

They could have really made this ad really sing with some appropriate pharmaceutical design spoofing. Nevertheless, it’s a fun and unusual use of our medium. They should have argued to put the ad in the newspaper though. Then no one would have seen it.

[via Buffalo News and AdFreak]

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