Selby Portrait Photography
As the summers can be a hectic time at Casa del Tux we have decided to get an extra helping hand this summer for our son Garrett. Laura has come to us all the way from Asturias, Spain to hang out all summer with Big G and get up to general shenanigans and tomfoolery whilst we are gone on photographic adventures. Apart from helping Garrett get an astoundingly high mark in Spanish this year – the two of them have gotten on like a house on fire. Laura’s bubbly personality has been a great match for Garrett’s never ending (and exhausting) enthusiasm. Sometimes they were a bit more like brother and sister than au pair and charge (particularly when Garrett has to field spider killing duty for Laura!). We have had real fun getting to know Laura this year and we are super sad to see her leave to go back to Spain now that the summer is over. We hope when she goes back she has fond memories of her time staying with us (even if I am pretty certain we have put her off wanting to be a photographer forever now that she has seen how crazy nuts it can be during the height of the season!)