Lifestyle Magazine

Looking Forwards in 2019.

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
looking forwards in 2019.

Just to say, I’ve also posted this on my Instagram so sorry if you’re seeing this twice but I wanted some more positivity on my blog so thought why not upload it here too.Happy Monday, who else has got the Monday ‘ugh’ feeling? Well it’s official. I’ve been sick a whole year. Yay! Excuse me while I pause to roll my eyes. I won’t lie. It’s been pretty shit (literally - ew sorry) and there’s been more bad days than good, but you know what? I’ve made it through and in a way I’m pretty proud. I was beyond happy to wave goodbye to the shit-show that was 2018 and now the longest bloody month in the world is almost over I can start properly looking forward to 2019 and what’s in store. With that in mind I wanted to quickly share with you all what I’m looking forward to this year. 

  • February - I swear to God this months gone on forever and I’ll be glad to see the back of it.
  • Birthday- I turn 27 a month today and tbh that scares me a bit. Feels like I only turned 20 last week! Fun fact, Mum and I share a birthday, so that always makes it extra special. Plus it saves on buying two cakes.
  • Blogging - I really want to continue upping my blogging game this year. It took a nosedive in 2018 especially as I just couldn’t get in the mindset with everything else going on. However I’ve set myself a few goals: to hit 500 on my insta, improve my photography & post a minimum of 3 times a month on my blog. Baby steps that I hope will make a difference. 
  • Work - As I said a few posts back, I had to leave my lovely job & friends in October because of my stomach and I miss it dearly. Honestly being stuck at home is boring AF! Really hoping I’ll be able to get back this year (& have an officially confirmed diagnosis would be nice too).
  • Family & friends - there’s been a few new additions amongst our family & friends last year & I’ve yet to meet any of them. Keeping my fingers crossed that at some point I’ll finally get to meet them all rather than stalk my poor cousin & his girlfriend whenever they upload baby photos. 
  • Be healthier - I decided to make the switch to going pescatarian a month back. I can’t eat much of what I used to anymore & tbh it’s so much kinder on the animals. I’d love to say I’m doing more but as green veg make me sick, a full on veggie/vegan diet is sadly out the window for now. 

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