It's almost 2012. This year, especially the last half of it, as gone so fast I wanted to take a little time to
look back on 2011. I started my blog on June 29 this year,
6 months ago. I started it because I wanted to share my view on fashion and my inspirations with other people, but kind of expected only my boyfriend and parents to read it.
I guess I was wrong. Every since I've started blogging, I've really found my
passion (I knew
fashion was one already, but
blogging turned out to be one as well) and somehow my blog has grown a lot in these past six months. I'm so
grateful for all my followers, the people who have been supporting me from the beginning, my boyfriend who takes a lot of effort shooting all my outfits, the great reactions I get.. When I started this blog in June, I couldn't have imagined to be
where I am right now. And I couldn't have done it without you guys,
my readers.
So thank you. You made 2011 a great year for me. And I'm
looking very much forward to 2012, since I already know it will be filled with blogging, fashion and hopefully you guys. You can expect lots of outfits, I'm planning on starting a 'Shop my Closet' in 2012, and there are some exciting things coming in the beginning of 2012.And I hope that 2012 will be a great year for all of
you, and I really hope that you will return
here, on my
Facebook Page, and
Now, what to wear for NYE?