I'm not the sort of girl who plans her reading far in advance. In most things, I'm quite organized. Well prepared for life's eventualities. When it comes to reading, however, which is one of my greatest joys, I like to be open to possibility. I like to grab what I want, when I want, and not turn my joy into a job.
Yet there are a few plans in the works, especially since visiting a few wonderful bloggers last night.
You know about the Two Serious Ladies read-along this January with Scott, Frances and Dorian.But, the list of read-alongs in which I want to partake is now considerably larger:
Frankenstein with Frances on June 16, 2016, will be a reread for me, but I'm looking forward to it with others...
The Guermantes Way, Volume 3 of Remembrance of Things Past, with Arti and Stefanie to take place during all of 2016...
and a few of my own choices, any of which you're welcome to join me in reading:
They Were Counted by Miklos Banffy...
by Charlotte Bronte, who was born 200 years ago on April 21, 1816. (Also, I want to reread this book before I read two upcoming releases coming to me from their publishers: Jane Steele and The Madwoman Upstairs, both to be published in March.)
That's about as planned as I want to be right now, but as usual, I welcome any input, any suggestions, and any fellow readers. Such promising books await.
posted on 26 February at 17:48
Nice reading plan. I have recently began to read most local/historical books. I found a publisher that I have purchased several from. My plan is to read quite a few books about the civil war by state across the U.S. There is so much more to learn than what is taught in school. The publisher is https://www.arcadiapublishing.com. Check them out and see what you think.