Debate Magazine
I have found a job and a flat! There was a blog post building up in my for a while about the injustice/discrimination of people not allowing people on benefits to move into nice flats. It's shocking that people can be denied a simple right- a place to live- just because of their situation. If the government hadn't changed their policy on giving housing benefit directly to the landlord then perhaps we wouldn't have found it so hard to prove ourselves. We ARE respectable, professional people. We WILL pay our bills and rent on time. But landlords don't care they just make the assumption that you're a bum and will destroy their house and won't pay rent. Well as it happened we managed to convince someone to let us rent this lovely flat in the center of Exeter and then a week later I got a job. So HA! We win!Said job is a badly paid, entry level job in a large, respectable law firm. Well what more could I expect having spent £30,000 on 2 degrees? But the main thing is I enjoy it and it is experience and hopefully a "foot in the door" to working my way up the ladder. Maybe one day I'll be a top Human Rights lawyer and actually use my Masters degree. Maybe I won't. But only time will tell.My life is to be continued....
Author's Latest Articles
Make a House a Home (if You Can Afford To)
Scandal: (noun) An Action Or Event Regarded as Morally Or Legally Wrong and Causing General Public Outrage.
Who I Am? Complaining About Having Nothing to Complain About and Other Stories by the White, Working-class Woman.
Volunteering: The Experience of a Lifetime