Fashion Magazine

Long Days and Longer Nights

By Astylizedhysteria

It’s been way too long since my last blog post. It’s been a hell of a week, though. Not only was work crazy busy, but it was also Boston Fashion Week, full of fashion shows and fun events. Thursday night was another great Clothing Swap by the Swapaholics. The week culminated in the wedding of one of my closest friends to one of the sweetest guys ever (which meant dancing, laughs, booze, more booze, and more dancing).

I have loads of pictures to go through and edit, but I’ll leave you with a few pictures from Tuesday night after the Lily & Migs fashion show. Blurry, but they get the point across.



Me and Holly posing our little butts off after the show. Isn’t she the cutest ever?

I’m also revving up my modeling career with two cameos on, The Boston Globe’s website, which covered Thursday’s swap. I’m just waiting to Karl Lagerfeld to give me a call to see what I’m up to next September.

Long Days and Longer Nights

Me, Lei Ann, and Sami admiring our goods.

Long Days and Longer Nights

Me and Holly and I am obviously really freaking excited about that dress!

Hopefully I’ll have some wedding photos to share in a few weeks. But until then, I’ll be on a bit of a break. Expect light, if any, posting. Need some time to relax and get inspired again. Se you all soon!


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