Self Expression Magazine

Locked Out of Twitter – Learn How to Avoid It Once and For All

By Lisa @Lisapatb

How to Avoid The Locked Out of Twitter Syndrome

Twitter is a quick and effective way to get your brand out there. It truly is a giant platform when you consider how many users it houses. Not only that but all of the content those users regularly post.

You might think that starting as a small fish in a big pond. You can get away with some unorthodox methods to grow quickly and swim with the big fish.

However, there are many means of gaining followers that some accounts use which violate Twitter's rules. You should swim along the straight and narrow to avoid being caught by Twitter.

The goal of this article is to help you stay open and honest as an account on Twitter. That way you have the fewest number of setbacks possible as you gain Twitter followers.

If you get locked out of your Twitter account, something about your account activity likely triggered the action. This article may help you avoid the locked up-or out of Twitter syndrome, rather.

If you get locked out of your Twitter account, something about your account activity likely triggered the action. #Twittertips Click To Tweet

Caught on Twitter?

First of all, Twitter has an explanation for the reasons it locks someone out. Twitter essentially states that it locks users who have not complied with its rules or terms of service, or that it has detected suspicious activity on the account.

If it's too late for you to prevent your account from being locked, you should take measures to make sure it doesn't happen in the future. This is especially important since repeat violations might lead to permanent suspension for the account.

Locked Out of Twitter – Learn How to Avoid It Once and For All

Make sure that you aren't participating in the following behaviors if you want to keep swimming freely to all parts of that big pond.

Reel It In

Being noticed as a little fish is tricky business. If you bite off more than you can chew, Twitter will be there at the other end of the line, ready to reel you in and put you in the time-out bucket and keep you out of the pond. Whenever you follow too many accounts at once, Twitter recognizes the behavior as suspicious and could lock you out.

A good way to remedy this is to find your school and swim with it. Follow accounts that share interests with you. Once you've been verified on Twitter, you will soon be able to follow up to 400 new accounts each day. This limit should serve as a way to make the most of who you choose to follow.

Locked Out of Twitter – Learn How to Avoid It Once and For All

Just because you can start following multiple accounts quickly, that doesn't mean that you should immediately unfollow those accounts to give yourself a nice followers-to-following ratio. It is not only bad etiquette towards those other accounts, but it is also suspicious to Twitter.

Again, following accounts that are relevant to you will ultimately serve both parties, since you are likewise relevant to those other accounts. This makes those other accounts more likely to share and participate with your content. And, of course, that content needs to be interesting.

Twitter has been updating their layout. You need to learn how to use Twitter's layout to maximum effect for your profile as well.

Make a Little Splash to Avoid Being Locked Out of Twitter

Once you've been verified on Twitter, you will soon be able to follow up to 400 new accounts each day. #Twitterrules Click To Tweet

The easiest way to avoid being locked out is to verify your account. If you leave your account without an email or phone number, it can be difficult to regain access.

It also puts Twitter on notice that an account is fake if it has not verified its email and phone number.

Twitter Profile Picture

In addition to this basic Twitter verification, it can help your users if you include a profile picture and a real location.

This will indicate to potential followers that you are a real account, and it will help them see why they should follow you. See how Jeffrey shows exactly what he does and where he is from?

Let everyone know that you have landed in the pond and that you are looking to gain friends on this wonderful platform.

Locked Out of Twitter – Learn How to Avoid It Once and For All

Your Twitter Handle

'In addition to this basic Twitter verification, it can help your users if you include a profile picture and a real location.' #TwitterTips Click To Tweet

Make sure that you handle your account as honestly as you make it appear to the public: Do not give your password out to any websites or other accounts. You want to know who is accessing your account, and you should never hand it over to someone who could get you locked out.

Some apps will ask for your password as if it will make your future Twitter logins on that app easier. However, you should always click "Sign in with Twitter" instead.

If you have ever received a direct message from your friend's hacked account, this is probably what happened. That friend likely trusted an unauthorized app with their password, and the hacker abused the account.

Fake Fishes Become Locked Out of Twitter

However, you should always click "Sign in with Twitter" instead. #Twittertips Click To Tweet

Don't be a fake fish. Twitter is very wary of users with multiple accounts. It tracks whether you have more than one account by seeing that the accounts use the same IP address. The reason Twitter tracks this so closely is because it is concerned with whether you are using multiple accounts because you've created your own fake fanbase.

Ryan Biddulph is a great example of keeping it real on Twitter as you can see from his tweet below.

Amen on this Nate. I meditate, do yoga, take a cold shower and dive into writing on waking. All told, 3 and a half hours on mindset and exercise daily. Gotta exit that comfort zone!

- Ryan Biddulph (@RyanBiddulph) October 5, 2019

Twitter also wants to keep issues of trolling and hate speech to a minimum today. People tend to engage in this behavior on fake accounts.

You should also note that if you engage in this behavior on your real account, Twitter will block you for violating its rules.

More Than 1 Twitter Account

If you have more than one real account, take caution. Twitter could assume that your accounts are fake, and it could limit your access on Twitter.

For example, if one of the two accounts is locked, the activity on the unlocked account could be very restricted. You might not be able to follow very many accounts at once. To counter this, you will either have to make sure neither of the accounts get locked out. Or you should reduce your activity to just one account.

That is why I do not use my Inspire To Thrive Twitter handle as often as I do my Lisapatb account where I keep it real everyday! If you do have a personal and a business handle mix up what you tweet on them.

Good Friday Morning! ☀️ Getting ready to head out to @UncleJay99 morning networking event at Lynch's Cleaning and Restoration Services.

Being better organized this gave me time to network. 👫👬👭
What's on your to-do list today? #FridayMotivation

- Lisa 👩‍💻🧡🌞 (@Lisapatb) October 4, 2019

For example on Thursdays I post some Throwback Thursday tweets from old post on my Inspire To Thrive Twitter account.

Keep Swimming!

If you have more than one real account, take caution. Twitter could assume that your accounts are fake, and it could limit your access on Twitter. #Twittertip #SMM Click To Tweet

In tweeting as well as swimming, safety is key. If you're trying to gain more Twitter followers safely, this article provides even more detailed instruction. Navigating the big pond as a little fish takes practice.

Locked Out of Twitter – Learn How to Avoid It Once and For All

In the meantime, you still have to avoid being eaten by the bigger fish and forgotten by the pond forever; and you have to avoid being pulled out of the pond by the fisherman regulating it.

As long as you are honest with your followers about who you are and practice good etiquette towards them, you should be able to grow your Twitter presence smoothly and quickly.

Twiends for Twitter

It is worth mentioning, there are a lot of different tools out there that can help you grow your Twitter following organically. One of the best tools is Twiends.

While a lot of companies focus or using grey market or even totally illegal tactics for growing your account such as bots and automated following, Twiends focuses on doing this in ways that Twitter approves us.

When you sign up for the tool you are asked about your interests and the topics that you Tweet on. Twiends then focuses on matching you with other users that you would be interested in and vice versa. There are all sorts of applications for Twiends, and if you're interested in learning more you can check it out here!

Have you ever been locked out of Twitter? I'd love to know more about it in the comments below!

Locked Out of Twitter – Learn How to Avoid It Once and For All

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