Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Local Wind Farm Fatalities May Affect Whole Bird Populations | Anthropocene

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

GR:  The mortality rate suggests that wind turbines will result in loss of almost all the western U. S. Golden Eagles.

Local wind farm fatalities may affect whole bird populations | Anthropocene
“Hundreds of thousands of birds are killed each year by wind turbines worldwide. But few studies have looked at the demographic consequences of this local-scale mortality for a species as a whole.

“Now, researchers have gathered evidence that deaths of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) at a single wind farm in northern California may have effects on the entire western US population of this species.

“The researchers studied 67 golden eagles killed by wind turbines at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, one of the largest and oldest wind farms in the country.

“Eagles tend to use that habitat around the turbines. It’s windy there, so they can save energy and soar, and their preferred prey, California ground squirrels, is abundant there,” says J. Andrew DeWoody, professor of genetics in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University. “As they soar, these eagles are often looking straight down, and they fail to see the rapidly moving turbine blades. They get hit by the blades, and carcasses are found on the ground under the turbines.”

More: Local wind farm fatalities may affect whole bird populations | Anthropocene

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