Fashion Magazine

Local Goods: Gypsies and Ginger Snaps

By Cestlabellevie @cestlabelle_vie
local goods: Gypsies and Ginger SnapsSometimes the best things in life are the things you stumble onto. Like the friend you meet in the most unexpected place, the amazing restaurant you find after getting lost in the middle of nowhere, the guy you meet after swearing you'll be single for a while....etc etc. Or sometimes, you're walking with a friend and you see the sign above on the street, wander into an alley, and find the most adorable shop you've ever seen. local goods: Gypsies and Ginger Snapslocal goods: Gypsies and Ginger Snapslocal goods: Gypsies and Ginger SnapsAfter an unsuccessful thrifting trip, my lovely friend Megan & I happened upon local shop Gypsies and Ginger Snaps and basically died of cuteness. They have everything from dresses, jewelry, and shoes to tiny animal figurines, candles, purses, sassy decor, and even espresso. Basically, the essentials. Some vintage, some new, and some in-between. The dream of owning a vintage & handmade shop is always humming in the back of my mind & perusing Gypsies and Ginger Snaps made that hum just a l-i-i-ittle bit louder. local goods: Gypsies and Ginger Snapslocal goods: Gypsies and Ginger SnapsI picked out a few precious little things for a loved one, but in case she reads this, I'll keep them a secret. local goods: Gypsies and Ginger Snapslocal goods: Gypsies and Ginger SnapsIf you are in the Bellingham area, you must pop in to this shop. Bring a friend to ooh & aah over the items with--and, it is conveniently located right next to the Honey Moon, so you can wander over for happy hour after. Best. Day. Ever. 

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