My foray into the world of blogging began in 2012 when I started my first blog Living with Fibromyalgia. At the time I was experiencing one of the worst flare ups of the illness that I had ever experienced; the result of a nasty accident with one of my students. The accident and aftermath literally changed the course of my life and as a way to cope with the the flare that left me home bound for nearly nine months I founded the Living with Fibromyalgia blog.
Two months later I founded this blog to chronicle my experiences living with celiac disease as well as share tips and other content for those converting to a gluten free lifestyle. Living with chronic invisible illnesses affects every aspect of my life from the way I cook, the activities I engage in, the work I pursue, my sleep…I mean everything.
It has been nearly three years and instead of managing two blogs I’ve decided to merge the content and purpose of both of my passions into one straightforward website. Blog posts and other content that I “tag” as living with fibromyalgia will be displayed in this section. It will include interviews, poetry, inspiration, personal narratives, and the frustrations that come along with living in and constant chronic pain.
As a blogger my mission (whether the topic is celiac disease or fibromyaglia) remains the same- That is to educate, inform, inspire, and raise awareness to these insidious and invisible illnesses. Additionally I aim to be a resource for sufferers and non sufferers alike and help people to understand that these conditions are real and can be managed one day, one positive action at a time.
For more insight on fibromyalgia, celiac disease and my personal journey with both of these conditions check out my books by clicking the images below