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Living by the Sea...

By Cristine Cez @MechantDesign
... in a Sydney beach house... it's the Gypsy stylish life i heart... let's visit and be inspired by the visit of that stunning place of a family of four, the mum, ex-fashion designer and the dad, hippy-dad for ever, shooted by Elle Australia...Life style etc...
vivre au bord de la mer à Sydney... c'est le style de vie Gypsy que j'aime... visitons aujourd'hui et laissons nous inspirer par cet endroit étonnant où vive une famille bien sympa dont la maman est une ancienne fashion designer et le papa un hippy rebelle, photographiée pour Elle Australie.... 
The style de vie!!!!

living by the sea...
living by the sea...
living by the sea...

living by the sea...living by the sea...

living by the sea...
living by the sea...

living by the sea...
living by the sea...

living by the sea...

living by the sea...
living by the sea...

photography: Michael Naumoffvia the fantastic website of captainandthegypsykid

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